Monday, September 29, 2008

NO more work for me!!

So it looks like I am going to get to quit working shortly after this baby is born and I am so excited. We have talked about it before but I just didn't feel like we could afford it, I don't want to be so broke we can't enjoy our children and take them fun places. But it seems like with the promotion Scot is expecting and then his yearly raise we can replace half of my salary. And then without paying childcare then we have pretty much replaced my salary and I am SO SO excited!!

I worked up until 2 weeks before Kennedy Jane was born b/c Nationwide had just created this job for me and I felt it was the right thing to do. With work being as stressful as it I am going on leave at 24 weeks (assuming Dr. Madonia will let me). I have 6 months of short term disability at 80% of my pay so that will give me a full 6 months off. I will come back and work for as long as I can stand it and then NO more work for me!!

I couldn't be more excited!