Tuesday, March 24, 2009

30 Week Appointment and Belly Shots

I had my 30 week appointment and ultrasound yesterday and the appointment went great. Kallie weighs 3lbs 12oz and is measuring at 31 weeks while I am at 30 weeks 1 day. That is great news and it is obvious that thus far the 2 Vessel Cord has not affected her growth. Her heartrate was 140 and you could already see her hair. She was quite the busy thing, moving around a lot!

Then I saw Dr. Madonia and he was also pleased with the news. He put me on 2 week appointments so that is exciting, means it getting closer! I talked with him about my work situation, how I was completely exhausted and just could not keep up. I felt like I was never getting any time to rest and it was wearing me down. He said that he felt that fatigue was a good enough reason to take me off work and told me to bring him the paperwork to sign.

So it was a great appointment, I am thrilled that Kallie is doing so well and that I am off work to enjoy Kennedy Jane and take the time to rest and prepare for Kallie without the pressures of work.

Here is an updated 30 week belly shot along with a 28 week shot for comparison. I feel a lot bigger but I am not sure you can tell it from the pictures:

28 Weeks:

30 Weeks:
